HTTP/2 is not future. It's present.
Remember, in `may 1996`, the very first HTTP protocol version (HTTP/1.0) was born.
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Remember, in `may 1996`, the very first HTTP protocol version (HTTP/1.0) was born.
CQRS, which means _Command_ _Query Responsibility Segregation_, comes from CQS (_Command Query Separation_) introduced by Bertrand Meyer in _Object Oriented Software Construction_. Meyer states that every method should be either a _query_ or a _command_.

Javascript ecosystem is really rich: full of developers but also full of frameworks and libraries.
These days more than ever before mobile applications have become essential in the lives of millions of people. If you are reading this article, it means that you too are interested in this subject. I'll try to make a series of articles to share with you as much as I can on it.
You've certainly heard about SSL or TLS protocols.
The convenience of PWA is to act like a mobile application, to be installed on a phone, to manage off-line mode, and especially to send push notifications. Notifications are the essential element of user involvement, they allow to send a reminder and to communicate with our users
Hello everyone! Today I would like to speak about a subject too little discussed in php: the exceptions. An exception is an alert issued when the code is executed, to indicate that something has not happened as expected. It can be a bad connection identifier to the database, or an operation on a file that is not allowed, or a division by zero for example.
It is well established : unit tests are mandatory when developing an application. They allow to highlight possible regressions when code is modified, so the developer gets a certain confidence when shipping his code to production : If tests do pass, everything works correctly.
Since Symfony 3.2, a new useful component was born: the [Workflow component](http://symfony.com/blog/new-in-symfony-3-2-workflow-component).