Domain anemia
Are you suffering from domain anemia? Let's look at what an anemic domain model is and how things can change.
Through my different professional experiences, I had to set a lot of business rules in rich web apps. One day, I stumbled upon a different way to deal with those: using the specification pattern. This method has proven to be structuring and deserves some attention if you do not know what it is.
Imagine a simple banking application for instance. This app only has clients and bank accounts. A client can have one or multiple accounts, and your job is to create a very simple system of wire transfer between accounts of a same client with this business rule:
You can clearly see the condition which would prevent a transfer from happening.
In a simple implementation, you would write it this way:
namespace ElevenLabs\Application;
use ElevenLabs\Domain\Payment\Entity\Account;
class TransferMoneyCommand
* @param Amount $accountToDebit
* @param Amount $accountToCredit
* @param float $amount
public function execute(Account $accountToDebit, Account $accountToCredit, $amount)
if ($accountToDebit->getBalance() - $amount > 0 && $accountToDebit->getOwner()->isActive()) {
//transfer authorized
This business rule, although trivial, needs to be implemented every time we want to do a wire transfer. Many constraints arise from such implementation.
First off, if our business rule evolves, we have to change the (or all) class that uses it. Then, this implementation in a if statement is really not explicit at all.
This is where the specification pattern comes into play. The main idea is to isolate the business rule, separating it from its use. It's used for validation, selection and building of business logic.
Mainly three types of specification exist:
A specification is driven by the following interface:
namespace ElevenLabs\Domain;
interface Specification
* @param $candidate
* @return bool
public function isSatisfiedBy($candidate);
This type of specification enables us to hard code the business knowledge without having the possibility to modify the business rule from the outside.
A business rule can then be translated this way:
namespace ElevenLabs\Domain\Payment;
use ElevenLabs\Domain\Specification;
class AccountCanTransferMoney implements Specification
* @param \ElevenLabs\Domain\Payment\Entity\Account $account
* @return boolean
public function isSatisfiedBy($account)
return $account->getBalance() > 0 && $account->getOwner()->isActive();
Having created a separated class in order to apply our business rule, we gain clarity and decoupling. Although, it appears obvious that we are condemned to only using our object $account, and that no additional info can be brought from the outside. We still can't use this type of specification in our TransferMoneyCommand because it does not comply totally to our business rule (only the balance is compared).
Parameterized specifications are identical to what we've been talking about, but they resolve the issue we've just mentioned, allowing us to get outside parameters to our candidate.
namespace ElevenLabs\Domain\Payment;
use ElevenLabs\Domain\Specification;
class AccountCanTransferMoney implements Specification
/** @var float */
private $amount;
* @param float $amount
public function __construct($amount)
$this->amount = $amount;
* @param \ElevenLabs\Domain\Payment\Entity\Account $account
* @return boolean
public function isSatisfiedBy($account)
return $account->getBalance() - $this->amount > 0 && $account->getOwner()->isActive();
With this type of specifications, we keep the same pros as before, and we gain flexibility.
This is how our command would look like using our parameterized specification:
namespace ElevenLabs\Application;
use ElevenLabs\Domain\Payment\Entity\Account;
use ElevenLabs\Domain\Payment\Specification\AccountCanTransferMoney;
class TransferMoneyCommand
* @param Account $accountToDebit
* @param Account $accountToCredit
* @param float $amount
public function execute(Account $accountToDebit, Account $accountToCredit, $amount)
$accountCanTransferMoney = new AccountCanTransferMoney($amount);
if (true === $accountCanTransferMoney->isSatisfiedBy($accountToDebit)) {
//transfer authorized
To simplify my explanation on parameterized specifications, I've hard coded the instantiation of the class AccountCanTransferMoney. A noticeable improvement of this use would be to inject the specification directly into the command, in order to better unit test our command.
The last type of specification I'd like to take a look into is composite specifications. Such specification bases itself on what we've seen. Indeed, it uses composition to exist. Logical operations between two (or more) specifications are part of composite specifications.
The following example explains the implementation of the AND logical operator:
namespace ElevenLabs\Domain;
abstract class Composite implements Specification
* {@inheritdoc}
abstract public function isSatisfiedBy($candidate);
* @param Specification $spec
* @return AndSpecification
public function andIsSatisfiedBy(Specification $spec)
return new AndSpecification($this, $spec);
class AndSpecification extends Composite
/** @var Specification */
private $a;
/** @var Specification */
private $b;
* @param Specification $a
* @param Specification $b
public function __construct(Specification $a, Specification $b)
$this->a = $a;
$this->b = $b;
* {@inheritdoc}
public function isSatisfiedBy($candidate)
return $this->a->isSatisfiedBy($candidate) && $this->b->isSatisfiedBy($candidate);
Then, if we instantiate a composite spec, we can chain it to other specifications (see below), by modifying our previous AccountCanTransferMoney specification:
namespace ElevenLabs\Domain\Payment;
use ElevenLabs\Domain\Composite;
class AccountCanTransferMoney extends Composite
/** @var float */
private $amount;
* @param float $amount
public function __construct($amount = 0)
$this->amount = $amount;
* @param \ElevenLabs\Domain\Payment\Entity\Account $account
* @return boolean
public function isSatisfiedBy($account)
return $account->getBalance() - $this->amount > 0;
namespace ElevenLabs\Domain\Payment\Specification;
use ElevenLabs\Domain\Specification;
class AccountOwnerIsActive implements Specification
* @param \ElevenLabs\Domain\Payment\Entity\Account $account
* @return boolean
public function isSatisfiedBy($account);
return $account->getOwner()->isActive();
Finally, here is how we use our composition:
namespace ElevenLabs\Application;
use ElevenLabs\Domain\Payment\Entity\Account;
use ElevenLabs\Domain\Payment\Specification\AccountCanTransferMoney;
class TransferMoneyCommand
* @param Account $accountToDebit
* @param Account $accountToCredit
* @param float $amount
public function execute(Account $accountToDebit, Account $accountToCredit, $amount)
$accountCanTransferMoney = new AccountCanTransferMoney($amount);
$accountOwnerIsActive = new AccountOwnerIsActive();
$compositeSpecification = $accountCanTransferMoney->andIsSatisfiedBy($accountOwnerIsActive);
if (true === $compositeSpecification->isSatisfiedBy($accountToDebit)) {
//transfer authorized
The advantages of this type of specifications are obviously the support of logical operator, and therefore the creation of even more complex business rules. It's now possible to combine specifications. Flexibility is improved, but beware of additional complexity!
Advantages of the specification pattern are as follow:
Romain Pierlot
Diplomé de l'ISEP en 2013, Romain Pierlot est ingénieur en Etudes et Développement chez Eleven Labs, avec qui il s'amuse comme un petit fou.
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Are you suffering from domain anemia? Let's look at what an anemic domain model is and how things can change.
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