Introduction to Gitlab CI/CD

Introduction to Gitlab CI/CD

Today if you want to set up a CI/CD on GitHub you need to “link” your repositories with Travis-ci, Circle-ci, Codeship... But did you know that GitLab integrates a CI/CD solution? This is the subject of today's article.

In this article I will just show you the possibilities that GitLab CI/CD offers to you. But if you want to dig further in the subject, I've also created a tutorial on Eleven Labs codelabs on how to set up a CI on a javascript project

CI/CD what is that?

I'm not going to write yet another definition for you, beecause there exist plenty already. So here is what Wikipedia tells us for CI and CD:

CI: Continuous Integration

“Continuous integration is a set of practices used in software engineering consisting in verifying with each modification of source code that the result of the modifications does not produce a regression in the developed application. [...] The main goal of this practice is to detect integration problems as early as possible during development. In addition, it allows you to automate the execution of test suites and see the evolution of software development.”

CD: Continuous Delivery

"Continuous delivery is a software engineering approach in which teams produce software in short cycles, allowing it to be made available anytime. The goal is to build, test, and distribute software faster. The approach helps reduce the cost, time and risk associated with delivering change by taking a more incremental approach to changes in production. A simple, repeatable deployment process is key."

GitLab in a nutshell

So Gitlab is :

  • Gitlab inc: the company that manages the development of GitLab products
  • Gitlab: it is a version that you can install on your machine, server, or in the cloud easily with the AWS Marketplace
  • it's a web version like GitHub or BitBucket

GitLab and are web-based git repository managers with features like:

  • wiki,
  • issues tracking,
  • docker registry,
  • code tracking,
  • code review
  • CI/CD,
  • ...

GitLab offers more features than GitHub in its free version. It is also possible to have private repositories without having a subscription.

Before we begin

GitLab CI/CD will allow you to automate the builds, the tests, the deployments, etc of your applications. All of your tasks can be broken down into stages and all of your tasks and stages make up a pipeline.

Each task is executed thanks to runners, which work thanks to an open source project named GitLab Runner written in GO.

You can have your own runners directly on your machine or server. For more information I let you read the official documentation:

GitLab also offers public runners, which save you an installation, but beware, there are quotas depending on the type of account you have. On a free account, you are entitled to 2,000 minutes of pipeline time per month. The public runners run on AWS.

Presentation of GitLab CI/CD

As I told you I will not show you how to set up a CI/CD from A to Z in this article but I will introduce you to the possibilities of the GitLab CI/CD solution.


For the CI/CD on GitLab to work you need a .gitlab-ci.yml manifest at the root of your project. In this manifesto you will be able to define stages, jobs, variables, anchors, etc.

You can give it another name, but you will have to change the manifest name in the web interface settings: Settings > CI/CD > General pipelines > Custom CI config path


In the GitLab CI/CD manifesto you can define an unlimited number of jobs, with constraints indicating when they should be executed or not.

Here is the easiest way to declare a job:

job: script: echo 'my first job'

If you want to declare several jobs :

job:1: script: echo 'my first job' job:2: script: echo 'my second job'

Names of jobs must be unique and should not be part of reserved words:

  • image
  • services
  • stages
  • types
  • before_script
  • after_script
  • variables
  • cache

In the definition of a job only script is mandatory.


The script declaration is the only mandatory part of a job. This declaration is the heart of the job because it is here that you will indicate the actions to be performed.

It can call one or more script(s) in your project, or even execute one or more command line(s).

job:script: script: ./bin/script/ ## Appel d'un script de votre projet job:scripts: script: ## Calls two scripts from your project - ./bin/script/ - ./bin/script/ job:command: script: printenv # Execution of a command job:commands: script: # Execution of two commands - printenv - echo $USER

before_script and after_script

These declarations will allow you to perform actions before and after your main script. This can be interesting to divide the actions to be done during the jobs, or to call or execute an action before and after each job.

before_script: # Execution of a command before each `job` - echo 'start jobs' after_script: # Execution of a command after each `job` - echo 'end jobs' job:no_overwrite: # Here the job will execute the actions of the `before_script` and `after_script` by default script: - echo 'script' job:overwrite:before_script: before_script: - echo 'overwrite' # Will not perform the action defined in the `before_script` by default script: - echo 'script' job:overwrite:after_script: script: - echo 'script' after_script: - echo 'overwrite' # Will not perform the action defined in the `after_script` by default job:overwrite:all: before_script: - echo 'overwrite' # Will not perform the action defined in the `before_script` by default script: - echo 'script' after_script: - echo 'overwrite' # Will not perform the action defined in the `after_script` by default


This declaration is simply the docker image that will be used during a job or during all jobs.

image: alpine # Image used by all `jobs`, this will be the default image job:node: # Job using image node image: node script: yarn install job:alpine: # Job using default image script: echo $USER


This declaration makes it possible to group jobs into stages. For example, we can do a build, codestyling, test, code coverage, deployment step,….

stages: # Here we declare all our steps - build - test - deploy job:build: stage: build # We declare that this `job` is part of the build step script: make build job:test:unit: stage: test # We declare that this `job` is part of the test step script: make test-unit job:test:functional: stage: test # We declare that this `job` is part of the test step script: make test-functional job:deploy: stage: deploy # We declare that this `job` is part of the deploy step script: make deploy

CI Stages

Only and except

These two directives allow you to put in place constraints on the execution of a task. You can say that a task will run only on the event of a push on master or run on every push in a branch except master.

Here are the possibilities:

  • branches triggers the job when a push is made on the specified branches.
  • tags triggers the job when a tag is created.
  • api triggers the job when a second pipeline requests it through pipeline API.
  • external triggers the job through a CI/CD service other than GitLab.
  • pipelines triggers the job thanks to another pipeline, useful for multiprojects thanks to the API and the CI_JOB_TOKEN token.
  • pushes triggers the job when push is done by a user.
  • schedules triggers the job in accordance to a schedule to be configured in the web interface.
  • triggers triggers the job in accordance to a trigger token.
  • web triggers the job in accordance to Run pipeline button in the web interface.

I'll show you three examples of use:

only and except simple

In its simplest use, only and except are declared like this:

job:only:master: script: make deploy only: - master # The job will only be performed during an event on the master branch job:except:master: script: make test except:master: - master # The job will be performed on all branches during an event except on the master branch

Complex only and except

In its most complex use, only and except are used like this:

job:only:master: script: make deploy only: refs: - master # Will only be done on master kubernetes: active # Kubernetes will be available variables: - $RELEASE == "staging" # Check that $RELEASE is "staging" - $STAGING # Check that $STAGING is defined

only with schedules

For the use of schedules you must first define rules in the web interface. You can configure them in the Gitlab web interface: CI/CD -> Schedules and fill out the form.

CI Schedules

If you want, you can set a custom time interval. This is what I did in my example. The definition is made as a cron.


As with the only and except directives, the when directive is a constraint on the execution of the task. There are four possible modes:

  • on_success: the job will be executed only if all the jobs of the previous stage have passed
  • on_failure: the job will be executed only if a job fails
  • always: the job will be executed no matter what (even in case of failure)
  • manual: the job will be executed only by a manual action
stages: - build - test - report - clean job:build: stage: build script: - make build job:test: stage: test script: - make test when: on_success # will only run if the `job:build` job passes job:report: stage: report script: - make report when: on_failure # will run if the job `job:build` or` job:test` does not pass job:clean: stage: clean script: - make clean # will run in all cases when: always


This directive is used to accept that a job fails without causing the pipeline to fail.

stages: - build - test - report - clean ... stage: clean script: - make clean when: always allow_failure: true # Will not fail the pipeline ...


As I told you at the beginning of the article, with GitLab Runner you can host your own runners on a server which can be useful for specific configuration.

Each runner that you define on your server has a name, if you put the name of the runner in tags, then this runner will be executed.

job:tag: script: yarn install tags: - shell # The runner with the name `shell` will be launched


This declaration allows you to add basic services (docker container) to help you with your jobs. For example if you want to use a database to test your application you will ask for it in services.

test:functional: image: services: - postgres # We call the `postgres` service as a database before_script: - composer install -n script: - codecept run functional


This declaration is used to define a specific environment for the deployment. You can create an environment in the GitLab web interface or just let GitLab CI/CD create it automatically.

It is possible to specify:

  • a name,
  • a url,
  • an on_stop condition,
  • an action in response to the previous condition.
... deploy:demo: stage: deploy environment: demo # Simple environmental statement script: - make deploy deploy:production: environment: # Extended environmental statement name: production url: 'https://blog.eleven-labs/fr/gitlab-ci/' # Application URL script: - make deploy

By declaring environments you can, from the GitLab web interface, deploy / redeploy your application or directly access your site if you have declared a url. This is done in Operations > Environment.

CI Environment

The undo button allows you to redeploy, the external link button allows you to go to the application and the remove button allows you to remove the environment.

on_stop and action will be used to add an action at the end of the deployment, if you want to stop your application on command. Useful for demonstration environments.

... deploy:demo: script: make deploy environment: name: demo on_stop: stop:demo stop:demo: # This job can only be visible and executed after the `deploy:demo` job script: make stop environment: name: demo action: stop

Here is the official link for the environments documentation if you want to go further.


This declaration allows you to define variables for all jobs or for a specific job. This is equivalent to declaring environment variables.

... variables: # Declaration of variables for all `jobs` SYMFONY_ENV: prod build: script: echo ${SYMFONY_ENV} # Will display "prod" test: variables: # Declaration and rewrite of global variables for this `job` SYMFONY_ENV: dev DB_URL: '' script: echo ${SYMFONY_ENV} ${DB_URL} # Will display "dev"

As with environment I'll let you look at the official documentation on variables if you want to go further.

It is also possible to declare variables from the GitLab web interface Settings> CI/CD> Variables and to specify an environment for them.

CI Variables


This directive allows you to play with cache. The cache is useful for specifying a list of files and directories to cache along your pipeline. Once the pipeline is finished the cache will be destroyed.

Several sub-directives are possible:

  • paths: mandatory, it allows you to specify the list of files and / or directories to cache
  • key: optional, it allows you to define a key for the list of files and / or directories. Personally, I still haven't seen the usefulness of it.
  • untracked: optional, it allows you to specify that files should not be tracked by your git repository in the event of a push during your pipeline.
  • policy: optional, it allows to say that the cache must be recovered or saved during a job (push or pull).
stages: - build - deploy job:build: stage: build image: node:8-alpine script: yarn install && yarn build cache: paths: - build # cached directory policy: push # the cache will just be backed up, no recovery of an existing cache job:deploy: stage: deploy script: make deploy cache: paths: - build policy: pull # cache recovery


Artifacts are a bit like cache, but they can be retrieved from another pipeline. As for the cache, you must define a list of files or / and directories that will be saved by GitLab. Files are saved only if the job is successful.

We find five possible sub-directives:

  • paths: mandatory, it allows you to specify the list of files and / or folders to put in artifact
  • name: optional, it allows giving a name to the artifact. By default it will be named
  • untracked: optional, it allows to ignore the files defined in the .gitignore file
  • when: optional, it allows to define when theartifact must be created. Three possible choices: on_success, on_failure, and always. The on_success value is the default.
  • expire_in: optional, it allows you to define an expiration time
job: script: make build artifacts: paths: - dist name: artifact:build when: on_success expire_in: 1 weeks


This declaration works with artifacts, it makes a job dependent on an artifact. If the 'artifact' has expired or has been deleted / does not exist, then the pipeline will fail.

build:artifact: stage: build script: echo hello > artifact.txt artifacts: # Add an `artifact` paths: - artifact.txt deploy:ko: stage: deploy script: cat artifact.txt dependencies: # We link the job with 'build:artifact:fail' which does not exist so the pipeline will fail - build:artifact:fail deploy:ok: stage: deploy script: cat artifact.txt dependencies: # We link the job with 'build:artifact' which exists so the pipeline will not fail - build:artifact


This declaration allows you to specify a regular expression to retrieve the code coverage for a job.

... test:unit: script: echo 'Code coverage 13.13' coverage: '/Code coverage \d+\.\d+/'

The code coverage will be visible in the job information in the GitLab web interface:

CI Coverage


This declaration allows to re-execute the job in case of failure. You must indicate the number of times you want to re-run the job.

job:retry: script: echo 'retry' retry: 5


For this functionality you will need a premium account. This functionality allows you to include "templates". The "templates" can be local in your project or remotely.

Files are always evaluated first and merged recursively. You can override or replace "template" declarations.

  • local template
# template-ci/.lint-template.yml job:lint: stage: lint script: - yarn lint
  • remote template
# job:test: stage: test script: - yarn test
  • main manifesto
# .gitlab-ci.yml include: - '/template-ci/.lint-template.yml' - '' stages: - lint - test image: node:9-alpine job:lint: before_script: - yarn install job:test: script: - yarn install - yarn unit

Here is what gitlab CI/CD will interpret:

stages: - lint - test image: node:9-alpine job:lint: stage: lint before_script: # we override `job:lint` with `before_script` - yarn install script: - yarn lint job:test: stage: test script: # we replace the `script` declaration of the "template" - yarn install - yarn unit

This can be useful if your manifesto is large, and therefore more difficult to maintain.


This feature allows you to reuse templates several times.

.test_template: &test_template stage: test image: before_script: - composer install -n when: on_success .db_template: services: - postgres - mongo test:unit: <<: *test_template script: - bin/phpunit --coverage-text --colors=never tests/ test:functional: <<: *test_template services: *db_template script: - codecept run functional

Here is what gitlab CI/CD will interpret:

test:unit: stage: test image: before_script: - composer install -n script: - bin/phpunit --coverage-text --colors=never tests/ when: on_success test:functional: stage: test image: services: - postgres - mongo before_script: - composer install -n script: - codecept run functional when: on_success



Nicolas Grévin

Nicolas Grévin

Ingénieur DevOps SRE spécialisé en conteneurisation, Kubernetes, CI/CD, cloud, Infrastructure as Code et outillage. Engagé dans la Green IT et développeur passionné.

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Marie Minasyan

Marie Minasyan

Astronaute Raccoon @ ElevenLabs_🚀 De retour dans la Galaxie.

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